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Cosmic Activation Immersion, Cacao Ceremony & Gong Sound Journey

Joanna ( a visionary transformation specialist, author, speaker and multidimensional channel usually based in Auckland) is taking her one of a kind cosmic activation evenings on tour for the month of October. Join this special event to activate from the inside out.

An intimate Cosmic Activation Immersion, Cacao Ceremony & Gong Sound Journey with a limited number of participants in Nelson. This will be preparing ourselves for the Galactic Center alignment from October 7-9th where we can expand our galactic connections.

Each cosmic activation evening is a unique series of guided energetics, constructed to harness the energies of the moment to orchestrate a recalibration, shift and lift on all levels of your being.

I channel through new information to work with every time I do one of these events, specifically for the group.

Generally what you can expect during this 2 hour immersion is:

  • Sage cleanse on arrival
  • Intro to the current energies
  • Sacred ceremony ritual with burning oils and resin
  • Guided channeled message energy transmission
  • Multidimensional energy activation
  • Ceremonial cacao
  • Sound healing journey with a 40’ Atlantis Gong
  • Come with your personal intentions and a crystal to charge in the ceremony if you like

This is a layered energy evening where we come together in a small group limited to approx 20 total and cocreate in the cosmic energies what wants to come in from a multidimensional perspective. Often it’s about a level of consciousness outside of the perception of our human mind <3

These events are a unique frequency you will feel drawn to if they are for you!

***Please note – you need to bring a cushion, yoga mat and blanket to keep you cozy during the gong journey.***
