Friends of Old Fairfield
The mission statement for Friends of Old Fairfield (FOOF), which was written in the early 1990s, encapsulates the early aspirations and continuing focus of FOOF for Fairfield:
"To administer the Fairfield Reserve in order to retain and enhance its unique character, linking the past with the present and future community growth".
Community involvement in Fairfield has enabled the restoration and development to date. FOOF manages this community resource on a self-funding basis. We rely on events income, voluntary work, membership subscriptions, donations and grants to upkeep this unique historic house and heritage woodland.
We are officially registered with the Charities Commission. Our official registration number is CC41609.
You will find below information about how you can become a FOOF member, renew your current membership or make a donation. If you are interested in doing voluntary work with us, please contact us.

How can I support?
1. Join Friends of Old Fairfield
We would like to invite you to begin or to renew your membership of Friends of Old Fairfield. The range of activities that happen here include educational, spiritual, environmental and cultural events as well as corporate. The beautiful grounds and reserve, open to the public, are cared for by Friends of Fairfield. The house, lovingly restored, is available for hire by the wider community.
Your subscription will enable FOOF to continue to maintain and develop Fairfield.
Membership Subscription
Please complete the form to the right when joining as a member. Payment can be made by card or bank transfer.
Internet banking; please put your name as reference for our records:
Westpac Bank
Account: Friends of Old Fairfield
Account No: 03 0703 0641840 025
Reference: YourName
2. Make a donation
You can make a one off or regular donation to Fairfield via internet banking. Please complete the form to the right so we can issue a formal donation receipt.
All donations over $5 are tax deductible and can be made to the account above. Please use "Donation" as your payment reference.
Join Friends of Fairfield / Make a donation
Please fill out the form below if you are subscribing as a new member, renewing your subscription or making a donation. Without the completed form we will not be able to thank you or send a donation receipt.
May we offer a huge thank you in anticipation of your generous support for Fairfield House.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Friends of Old Fairfield